Get Organized – Make Your Own Binders – DOWNLOAD


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While paperless financial options have benefits, they can make overall financial management a little challenging because your information can be spread out in many different places without a defined paper trail. In addition, it leaves you more dependent on others to maintain your financial records.

In addition to providing you with helpful templates, this downloadable document will instruct you on how to set up and use binders for managing the following information: Banking, Bill paying, Car, House Equipment, House Structure, Investments, Medical, Taxes.

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No one cares more about your financial records than you do.

Regardless of how you do it, you need to manage your financial information.

While paperless financial options have benefits, they can make overall financial management a little challenging because your information can be spread out in many different places without a defined paper trail. In addition, it leaves you more dependent on others to maintain your financial records.

In addition to providing you with helpful templates, this downloadable document will instruct you on how to set up and use binders for managing the following information: Banking, Bill paying, Car, House Equipment, House Structure, Investments, Medical, Taxes.

If you have any hard-copy financial documentation, you will find that using binders is very effective for managing information.

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