What you need to know toManage Your Money
We provide critical Financial Management Training and Tools to help you live in financial advantage.
Welcome from Owner, Greg Coutant
Money Truths
Money can't buy happiness, but out-of-control personal finances can cause a lot of unhappiness!
Income is NOT guaranteed to increase every year of your adulthood.
Expenses tend to increase over the course of adulthood (especially through the child-rearing years).
Most decisions in life include a financial component.
You must control your money, or your money will control you
We need money to live. So whether we like it or not, money matters! Unfortunately, though, out-of-control personal finances can cause a lot of problems, including trouble paying household bills, trouble adjusting to changes in the economy and added stress on relationships. In addition, you can have financial problems regardless of how much money you make; because many financial problems are the result of spending issues.
Financial principles include:
01. Money has value
It can be used to get goods and services.
02. Work is good
It can generate money.
03. Debt can result in bondage
You should only spend money when you have it.
04. Saving Money is critical
Saved money can help provide for unexpected & retirement expenses.
05. Time can help you grow savings
You should save and grow money as early in life as possible.
Financial Management can enhance values such as:
01. Responsibility
Money will be needed for more than just fun things.
02. Self-control
Properly managing money often requires controlling our behavior.
03. Planning
The use of money must be planned for use now and at a later time.
04. Accountability
Tracking the use of money helps us consider our stewardship.
05. Patience
Not always having money when we want it trains us to calmly wait for things.
06. Appreciation
We value things that we have to work for and pay for.
07. Giving
The money we have is not all for us.
Stacie L., Palmyra, NY
We absolutely love getting to watch our 7 yr-old son manage his own money! He looks for ways to earn more money and has had several opportunities to budget and spend his own money on various toys and games that he has been eyeing. His savings account is growing, and he is beginning to understand the value of a dollar. It’s been cool to see him pick out souvenirs and things he wants when we’re on vacation. He’s even saved money to buy presents for his siblings. His savings account has been cool because the bank just gave him $10 for bringing his report card in.
We absolutely love getting to watch our 7 yr-old son manage his own money! He looks for ways to earn more money and has had several opportunities to budget and spend his own money on various toys and games that he has been eyeing. His savings account is growing, and he is beginning to understand the value of a dollar. It’s been cool to see him pick out souvenirs and things he wants when we’re on vacation. He’s even saved money to buy presents for his siblings. His savings account has been cool because the bank just gave him $10 for bringing his report card in. Stacie L., Palmyra, NY
Gloria W., Dover, NY
My 13 yr-old has been applying his new financial knowledge when we go grocery shopping or making purchases of any kind. It's been great seeing how he has applied his knowledge so quickly. For Christmas he said not to buy him things he doesn't need or want. He is more involved and attentive to the value of money and how to use it. These training lessons are so important to learn for all ages, but especially youth. These courses are not taught in schools. It’s shocking considering the importance of financial knowledge in life.
My 13 yr-old has been applying his new financial knowledge when we go grocery shopping or making purchases of any kind. It's been great seeing how he has applied his knowledge so quickly. For Christmas he said not to buy him things he doesn't need or want. He is more involved and attentive to the value of money and how to use it. These training lessons are so important to learn for all ages, but especially youth. These courses are not taught in schools. It’s shocking considering the importance of financial knowledge in life. Gloria W., Dover, NY
Chris P., Walworth, NY
Coming at this program as an accountant (for over 20 years) I was very happy with the flow of the program and the resources it comes with. I think it is very simple and easy to follow. It has all the elements I would like in teaching my kids how to set up a budget and understanding how money needs to be saved and spent. I’ve used the program for almost 3 months with Eli and he shows that he understands more and more how his money needs to work. I think the program lends itself easily to fit how the parent wants to categorize savings. Also, I think it works well for kids as they get older and they may have more categories to save for. The time you need to spend using and teaching this to kids is not that much and can be tailored for each child.
Coming at this program as an accountant (for over 20 years) I was very happy with the flow of the program and the resources it comes with. I think it is very simple and easy to follow. It has all the elements I would like in teaching my kids how to set up a budget and understanding how money needs to be saved and spent. I’ve used the program for almost 3 months with Eli and he shows that he understands more and more how his money needs to work. I think the program lends itself easily to fit how the parent wants to categorize savings. Also, I think it works well for kids as they get older and they may have more categories to save for. The time you need to spend using and teaching this to kids is not that much and can be tailored for each child. Chris P., Walworth, NY
Josh L. Fairport, NY
Before I used Mr. Coutant's Finance for Kids program it was hard to keep track of my finances and budgeting. Now it is easy! I especially like that it is very organized and easy to use. It makes it easier to save money and to see how much money I have. I can put money towards different things in their own envelopes. The notebook saves time because I don't have to keep counting my money over and over again; I just look at my tracking sheet.
Before I used Mr. Coutant's Finance for Kids program it was hard to keep track of my finances and budgeting. Now it is easy! I especially like that it is very organized and easy to use. It makes it easier to save money and to see how much money I have. I can put money towards different things in their own envelopes. The notebook saves time because I don't have to keep counting my money over and over again; I just look at my tracking sheet.Josh L. Fairport, NY
Joan P., Rochester, NY
As I’ve gotten older (I'm now in my early 90s), I’ve found it more and more difficult to handle my finances. Creating a budget and tracking my expenses according to the Disciplined Financial Management approach has been incredibly helpful. I can’t believe the sense of freedom it’s given me!!
As I’ve gotten older (I'm now in my early 90s), I’ve found it more and more difficult to handle my finances. Creating a budget and tracking my expenses according to the Disciplined Financial Management approach has been incredibly helpful. I can’t believe the sense of freedom it’s given me!!Joan P., Rochester, NY